On Thursday August 29, we’ll be hosting the first Lisbon Open Data Maker Night. It will be an informal gathering focused on making stuff with Open Data.

Open Data Maker Night in action

###For who Everybody is welcome, you don’t need to be a skilled developer, data scientist or designer to make things happen. We’ll prepare a list of potential things people can work on, trying to cover different skill-sets and interests. If these are your first steps in making things with data we’ll pair you up with somebody that can get you started.
During the evening, everybody will have the opportunity to suggest tasks and themes to work on instead.

###RSVP The event will be held at Liberdade 229, conveniently located in the center of Lisbon.

Date: August 29, 2013
Time: 18:30 - 22:30
Location: Avenida de Liberdade 229, Lisboa

We’ll take care of the drinks, dinner and Wifi. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know. For us to have a better grasp on how many people are joining, you can sign up at the event’s meetup.com page.

###Open Knowledge Foundation The Open Data Maker Nights is a concept coined and promoted by the Open Knowledge Foundation. Over the past months, several Maker Nights have been organized around the world. For more info, see the OKFN website.